šŸŽ‰ Material UI v4 is out now! Check out the announcement blog post ā†’
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck on a particular problem? Check some of these common gotchas first in our FAQ.

If you still can't find what you're looking for, you can ask the community in gitter. For how-to questions and other non-issues, please use StackOverflow instead of Github issues. There is a StackOverflow tag called material-ui that you can use to tag your questions.

Why aren't my components rendering correctly in production builds?

This is likely an nĀ°1 issue that happens due to class name conflicts once your code is in a production bundle. For Material-UI to work, the classNames values of all components on a page must be generated by a single instance of the class name generator.

To correct this issue, all components on the page need to be initialized such that there is only ever one class name generator between them.

You could end up accidentally using two class name generators in a variety of scenarios:

  • You accidentally bundle two versions of Material-UI. You might have a dependency not correctly setting Material-UI as a peer dependency.
  • You are using JssProvider for a subset of your React Tree.
  • You are using a bundler and it is splitting code in a way results in multiple class name generator instances to be created.

    If you are using webpack with the SplitChunksPlugin, try configuring the runtimeChunk setting under optimizations.

Overall, it's simple to recover from this problem by wrapping each Material-UI application with JssProvider components at the top of their component trees and using a single class name generator shared between them.

A resolution example. The last part of any solution will vary based on what bundler you are using, but the overall goal is to ensure the common module that contains the first snippet above only gets loaded and run once.

āš ļø You are in the hurry? Rest assured, we provide an option to make the class names deterministic as a quick escape hatch: dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS.

Why do the fixed positioned elements move when a modal is opened?

We block the scroll as soon as a modal is opened. This prevents interacting with the background when the modal should be the only interactive content, however, removing the scrollbar can make your fixed positioned elements move. In this situation, you can apply a global .mui-fixed class name to tell Material-UI to handle those elements.

How can I disable the ripple effect globally?

The ripple effect is exclusively coming from the BaseButton component. You can disable the ripple effect globally by providing the following in your theme:

import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core';

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  props: {
    // Name of the component āš›ļø
    MuiButtonBase: {
      // The properties to apply
      disableRipple: true, // No more ripple, on the whole application šŸ’£!

How can I disable animations globally?

You can disable animations globally by providing the following in your theme:

import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core';

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  transitions: {
    // So we have `transition: none;` everywhere
    create: () => 'none',

Sometimes you will want to enable this behavior conditionally, for instance during testing or on low-end devices, in these cases, you can dynamically change the theme value.

Do I have to use JSS to style my app?

It's highly recommended:

  • It comes built in, so carries no additional bundle size overhead.
  • It's fast & memory efficient.
  • It has a clean, consistent API.
  • It supports a number of advanced features, either natively, or through plugins.

However perhaps you're adding some Material-UI components to an app that already uses another styling solution, or are already familiar with a different API, and don't want to learn a new one? In that case, head over to the Style Library Interoperability section, where we show how simple it is to restyle Material-UI components with alternative style libraries.

When should I use inline-style vs classes?

As a rule of thumb, only use inline-style for dynamic style properties. The CSS alternative provides more advantages, such as:

  • auto-prefixing
  • better debugging
  • media queries
  • keyframes

How do I use react-router?

We have documented how to use a third-party routing library with the ButtonBase component. A lot of our interactive components use it internally: Button, MenuItem, <ListItem button />, Tab, etc. You can use the same solution with them.

How do I combine the withStyles() and withTheme() HOCs?

There are a number of different options:

withTheme option:

export default withStyles(styles, { withTheme: true })(Modal);

compose() helper function:

import { compose } from 'recompose';

export default compose(

raw function chaining:

export default withTheme()(withStyles(styles)(Modal));

How can I access the DOM element?

Wrap the component with the RootRef helper.

Why are the colors I am seeing different from what I see here?

The documentation site is using a custom theme. Hence, the color palette is different from the default theme that Material-UI ships. Please refer to this page to learn about theme customization.

Material-UI is awesome. How can I support the project?

There are many ways to support Material-UI:

If you use Material-UI in a commercial project and would like to support its continued development by becoming a Sponsor, or in a side or hobby project and would like to become a backer, you can do so through OpenCollective.

All funds raised are managed transparently, and Sponsors receive recognition in the README and on the Material-UI home page.