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Breadcrumbs API

The API documentation of the Breadcrumbs React component. Learn more about the properties and the CSS customization points.

import Breadcrumbs from '@material-ui/lab/Breadcrumbs';


Name Type Default Description
children * node The breadcrumb children.
classes object Override or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details.
component Component 'nav' The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a DOM element or a component. By default, it maps the variant to a good default headline component.
itemsAfterCollapse number 1 If max items is exceeded, the number of items to show after the ellipsis.
itemsBeforeCollapse number 1 If max items is exceeded, the number of items to show before the ellipsis.
maxItems number 8 Specifies the maximum number of breadcrumbs to display. When there are more than the maximum number, only the first and last will be shown, with an ellipsis in between.
separator node '/' Custom separator node.

Any other properties supplied will be spread to the root element (native element).
